Car key not working? Here's what might have happened

 Imagine this- You have to be somewhere urgently; your hands are full, and you feel your pocket for your car keys and manage to fish them out of your pockets somehow. But it doesn't unlock it as soon as it hits the door. You try everything you know but still, it just doesn't work. At that point, as you are locked out of the car, your mind is racing, thinking of scenarios, and everything that could be wrong with the car. The stress of an impending locksmith bill looms over your head. We've all had a similar experience at least once in our lifetimes so we know how stressful it is to go through that situation.

One of the best ways to calm yourself down is to inspect the root cause of the problem. Knowing the possible culprits of your car might put your mind to ease. Let us look at some of the common reasons why might your car key not be working and when you should call for a locksmith service in Decatur:

Damaged car lock

Even after several attempts if your car key seems to not be doing the job, there is a possibility that there might be something wrong with the lock itself.

The lock cylinder and the lock assembly are the two main components that break on an automobile door lock. With a little trial and error, you can determine which part of the auto lock is damaged. See if it turns when you insert your key. If it bends but doesn't unlock the lock, there is probably a problem with the lock assembly. There is a strong possibility that the lock cylinder is the issue if you use a working key fob to unlock a door but the key will not work on the same door. In such a case, it's better to call a Locksmith Service in Decatur.

Damaged key

Another possible reason is that you might have damaged the key to your car. Now, by damaged key, we don't necessarily mean a broken key. It is possible that a damaged key might just look fine to the naked eye but the grooves in the key might have worn out. Damaged grooves no longer match the internal mechanism of the lock or ignition and you will have to look for services in Decatur.

Problems with the ignition cylinder

opening and working of a car don't entirely depend upon the lock and key of the car, there are many other mechanisms that form the working of a car. If your automobile key breaks, this could be a sign of a far worse problem, such as damage to the ignition. If you didn't know it already, vehicles are moving mechanical parts. Your ignition cylinder is not an exception to the rule that things break down since mechanical parts are prone to wear and tear.

Locksmith Service in Decatur

Issues with the key fob batteries

If you own a car with a key fob or keyless entry remote, you might want to check its batteries first before assuming a bigger problem has occurred. If your vehicle is not catching the commands being sent by your key fob, the batteries might be the issue in that case. Simply replace the batteries, in that case, to get it up and running in no time.


Getting locked out of your car is an unpleasant happening; especially if you’re rushing somewhere, you would hate to be held up because your car key is acting up. Therefore, it is always a good idea to check your car routinely for any signs of malfunction early on. Find a reliable locksmith in case things seem out of your hands.

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